
Monday, November 24, 2014


 November's month of double dares and mistakes is nearly over and we wanted to share a little bit of ART we made.

We were inspired by the movie, UP! (love it) and created a visual for all our hard earned mistakes this month. It was just another way to be curious and change the way we thought about mistakes. 
If you can learn from your mistakes, where will they take you? Up. Up. UP!

This month, everyone took ownership of their mistakes with a fingerprint and together, all those fingerprints became something more - all those lovely balloons!!! 

Reese even made her own special little house!

It's a work in progress but that's kinda the beauty of it all.
Success was hearing the kids talk more freely about their mistakes, almost at times, to the point of excitement.  It's a different kind of share and we like it!
So, even though November is almost gone, we're gonna keep at it, noticing mistakes and adding balloons and hopefully we will grow just like our artwork.
Happy Monday!

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